


The emer­gence of cir­ca­dian time­keep­ing in the intes­tine. K. Parasram, A. Zuccato, M. Shin, R. Willms, B. Deveale, E. Foley, P. Karpowicz. (under review, 2023, bioRxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.06.06.543952,).


Fluorescent reporters for studying cir­ca­dian rhythms in Drosophila melanogaster. K. Parasram, D. Bachetti, V. Carmona-Alcocer, P. Karpowicz. Methods in Molecular Biology 2482: 353 – 371 (2022).

Bmal1 reg­u­lates the daily timing of colitis. Z. Taleb, V. Carmona-Alcocer, K. Stokes, M. Haireek, H. Wang, S. Collins, W.I. Khan, P. Karpowicz. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 12: 773413 (2022).


The cir­ca­dian clock gene, Bmal1, reg­u­lates intesti­nal stem cell sig­nal­ing and represses tumor ini­ti­a­tion. K. Stokes, M. Nunes, Trombley, D. E. F. L. Flores, G. Wu, Z. Taleb, A. Alkhateeb, S. Banskota, C. Harris, O. Love, W.I. Khan, L. Rueda, J.B. Hogenesch, P. Karpowicz. Cellular & Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology 12(5): 1847 – 1872 (2021).


Time after time: Circadian clock reg­u­la­tion of intesti­nal stem cells. K. Parasram, P. Karpowicz. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 77(7): 1267 – 1288 (2020).

Impaired ECM Remodeling and Macrophage Activity Define Necrosis and Regeneration Following Damage in Aged Skeletal Muscle. F. Rahman, S. Angus, K. Stokes, P. Karpowicz. Krause M. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(13): 4575 (2020).


Intestinal stem cells exhibit con­di­tional cir­ca­dian clock function. K. Parasram, N. Bernardon, M. Hammoud, H. Chang, L. He, N. Perrimon, P. Karpowicz. Stem Cell Reports 11(5): 1287 – 1301 (2018).

Testing the expres­sion of cir­ca­dian clock genes in the tissues of Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, Chronobiology International, 36:8, 1088 – 1102 (2019)


Stokes, K., Cooke, A., Chang, H., Weaver, D.R., Breault, D.T., Karpowicz, P. The cir­ca­dian clock gene BMAL1 coor­di­nates intesti­nal regen­er­a­tion. Cellular & Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology 4(1): 95 – 114 (2017).


Amin, R., Karpowicz, P., Carey, T.E., Arbiser, J., Nahta, R., Chen, Z.G., Dong, J‑T., Kucuk, O., Khan, G.N., Huang, G.S., Lee, H‑Y., Reichrath, J., Honoki, K., Georgakilas, A.G., Amedei, A., Amin, A., Helferich, B., Boosani, C.S., Ciriolo, M.R., Chen, S., Mohammed, S.I., Azmi, A.S., Keith, W.N., Bhakta, D., Halicka, D., Niccolai, E., Fujii, H., Aquilano, K., Ashraf, S.S., Nowsheen, S., Yang, X., Bilsland, A, Shin, D.M. Evasion of anti-growth sig­nal­ing: a key step in tumori­ge­n­e­sis and poten­tial target for treat­ment and pro­phy­laxis by natural com­pounds. Seminars in Cancer Biology 35: S55-77 (2015).

Block, K.I., et al. Designing a broad-spectrum inte­gra­tive approach for cancer pre­ven­tion and treat­ment. Seminars in Cancer Biology 35: S276-304 (2015).


Karpowicz, P., Zhang, Y., Hogenesch, J.B., Emery, P., Perrimon, N. The cir­ca­dian clock gates the intesti­nal stem cell regen­er­a­tive state. Cell Reports 3(4): 996‑1004 (2013).

DeVeale, B., Bausch-Fluck, D., Seaberg, R., Runciman, S., Akbarian, V., Karpowicz, P., Yoon, C., Song, H., Zandstra, P., Wollscheid, B., van der Kooy, D. Surfaceome pro­fil­ing reveals reg­u­la­tors of neural stem cell function. Stem Cells 32(1): 258 – 68 (2013).


Smukler, S.R., Arntfield, M.E., Razavi, R., Bikopoulos, G., Karpowicz, P., Seaberg, R., Dai, F., Lee, S., Ahrens, R., Fraser, P., Wheeler, M., van der Kooy, D. The Adult Mouse and Human Pancreas Contain Rare Multipotent Stem Cells that Express Insulin. Cell Stem Cell. 8(3): 281 – 93. (2011).

Ni, J.Q., Zhou, R., Czech, B., Liu, L., Holderbaum, L., Yang-Zhou, D., Shim, H.S., Tao, R., Handler, D., Karpowicz, P., Binari, R., Booker, M., Brennecke, J., Perkins, L.A., Hannon, G.J., Perrimon, N. A Genome-Scale shRNA Resource for Transgenic RNAi in Drosophila. Nature Methods. 8(5): 405 – 7. (2011).


Karpowicz, P., Perez, J., Perrimon, N. The Hippo Tumor Suppressor Pathway Regulates Intestinal Stem Cell Regeneration. Development 137(24): 4135 – 45 (2010).

Karpowicz, P., Perrimon, N. All for One and One for All: The Clonality of the Intestinal Stem Cell Niche. F1000 Biology Reports 2:73 (2010).

Karpowicz, P., Biased DNA Segregation. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: [DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0022543] (2010).

Karpowicz, P., Response to Letter from Renata Maas. DNA Repair. 9: 1024 – 25 (2010).


Karpowicz, P., Willaime-Morawek, S., Inoue, T., Deveale, B., Hitoshi, van der Kooy, D. E‑Cadherin Regulates Neural Stem Cell Self-Renewal. Journal of Neuroscience. 29(12): 3885 – 96. (2009).

Karpowicz, P., Pellikka, M., Godt, D., Tepass, U. The germline stem cells of Drosophila melanogaster par­ti­tion DNA non-randomly. European Journal of Cell Biology. 88(7): 397 – 408. (2009).


Coles-Takabe, B.L., Brain, I., Purpura, K.A., Karpowicz, P., Zandstra, P.W., Morshead, C.M., van der Kooy, D. Don’t Look: Growing clonal versus non-clonal neural stem cell colonies. Stem Cells. 26(11): 2938 – 44. (2008).


Karpowicz, P., Inoue, T., Runciman, S., Chaddah, R., Seaberg, R., Gertsenstein, M., Byers, L., Yamanaka, Y., Tondat, S., Slevin, J., Hitoshi, S., Rossant, J., van der Kooy, D. Adhesion Is Prerequisite But, Alone, Is Insufficient for Neural Stem Cell Pluripotency. Journal of Neuroscience. 27(20): 5437 – 47. (2007).


Karpowicz, P., Morshead, C., Kam, A., Jervis, E., Cheng, V., van der Kooy, D. Support for the Immortal Strand Hypothesis: Neural Stem Cells Partition DNA Asymmetrically in vitro. Journal of Cell Biology. 170(5): 721 – 32. (2005).

Karpowicz, P., Cohen, C., van der Kooy, D. Developing Human/Nonhuman Chimeras in Human Stem Cell Research: Ethical Issues and Boundaries. Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal. 15(2): 107 – 34. (2005).


Karpowicz, P., Cohen, C., van der Kooy, D. It is Ethical To Transplant Human Stem Cells into Nonhuman Embryos. Nature Medicine. 10(3): 331 – 5. (2004).

Stewart, J.M., Blakely, J.A., Karpowicz, P., Martin, B.M., Thatcher, B. Unusually weak oxygen binding, physical prop­er­ties, partial sequence, autox­i­da­tion rate and a poten­tial phos­pho­ry­la­tion site of beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) myo­glo­bin. Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol. 137(3): 401 – 12. (2004).


Karpowicz, P. In Defense of Stem Cell Chimeras: A Response to ‘Crossing Species Boundaries’. American Journal of Bioethics. 3(3): w17-19. (2003).